About Dreameant

About Dreameant: Dreameant is the dream interpretation website with the largest database of dream interpretation with the highest accuracy. This website, which is prepared with different sources and opinions, helps people to explain and interpret what the dreams they see mean.

First of all, we must state that; we are not fortune tellers or seers. It is not possible that we can inform you about the future. So what is the purpose of this website and ours?

What Is Dream?

Dreams are mysterious and humanity has been trying to unravel this mystery for centuries. What do the short films we see while sleeping at night tell us? Or does it tell something? 

People tried to find answers to these questions. Some special people have interpreted dreams throughout history through their experiences, stories told, or God-bestowed abilities. Some of them have been verified and accepted as valid.

Our Aims

As Dreameant team, we have compiled the generally accepted dream interpretations and presented them to your service on this website. Our aim is to tell you what your dreams can mean in the most accurate and authentic way. We do not have any financial expectations from this website.


But remember! Every dream you see doesn’t have to contain a meaning that needs explanation.

For this, you need to analyze whether the dream you are seeing is affected by your current psychological state or by daily events. Remember the dream interpretation you are reading; but never let it affect your psychology negatively.

We Are Growing

We just started, but we are growing our website every day. Our goal is to have the largest database and be the most accurate dream interpretation site.


Should you have any feedback, comments, requests for technical support or other inquiries, please visit our Contact Page or contact us by email:

We look forward to communicating with you.