How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst?


How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst; Humans, like all other living things, need food and water to survive. Normally, the human body can survive for about three weeks without feeling vital food deprivation. However, since 60% of the body consists of water, we can only survive for three to four days without drinking any fluids.

But these are basically average values. There are also those who have managed to survive without access to food and water for much longer periods of time. Many factors determine how long a person can survive without access to calories and fluids, including a person’s health and environmental conditions. However, there is a rule called the rule of 3 because it is easy to keep in mind: The human body can survive without oxygen for 3 minutes, without water for 3 days, and without food for 3 weeks.

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How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst?
How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst?

How Many Days Can You Live Without Water?

How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst; Fluid intake is one of the most basic issues for survival. Although the body has fat and muscle stores that can be used in case of hunger, water stores are much smaller. Our bodies are primarily composed of water, but we lose some of this water when we sweat, urinate, and even exhale. Therefore, water must be constantly renewed.

How much water a person needs each day varies depending on physical activity level, age, body temperature, environment and humidity level. The amount of water lost through breathing and sweating varies between 0.3-1 liters in 24 hours under normal conditions. However, under extreme conditions such as walking in the desert, 1.5 liters of water per hour can be lost through sweat.

Adults lose up to 1.5 liters of fluid through urine every day. So, when we add everything up, we lose about 2.5 liters of water per day. Therefore, we need to replace this lost amount of water with foods and liquids. However, you don’t have to drink water all day. Because everyone’s daily water needs vary, and the body almost always gives unnoticeable signs of hunger and thirst. If you feel thirsty, you are probably dehydrated.

What Happens When You’re Dehydrated?

How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst; So what happens if this delicate balance is suddenly disrupted? Without fluid intake, the kidneys lose their function and may collapse within a few days. Depending on how much fluid is lost due to physical activity, temperature and humidity, the body may remain dehydrated for 3-7 days. However, children and babies can survive for much shorter periods of time.

However, cases of dehydration that cause loss of more than 10% of body weight are considered medical emergencies. One of the most dangerous aspects of dehydration is that it can cause blood volume to decrease. Due to less blood circulation in the body, blood pressure can also drop to fatal levels.

How Many Days Do You Live Hungry?

How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst; The length of time a person survives without any food varies much more than the length of time without water. The longest fasting period ever recorded was 74 days. Since controlled experiments on the duration of fasting are impossible, most of the data obtained on this subject are obtained from death fast cases. Therefore, it can be said that it is almost impossible to get exactly scientific results.

But basically, we know for sure that the time it takes for people to survive without food is much longer than the time they survive without water. The body uses the nutrients and calories in food to provide cells with the energy necessary for biological functions. However, when he is left without food, he begins to use his stores.

How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst?
How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst?

What Happens to the Body When We Starve?

How Many Days Can You Live Without Hungry and Thirst; Our body first begins to convert glycogen in the liver and muscles into sugar and amino acids. When glycogen runs out, it starts burning fat stores for energy. This is why fasting is very effective in losing weight. However, when the body has to resort to proteins for energy, danger signals begin to sound. Because this situation causes serious muscle loss, including heart muscles. Staying hungry too much becomes harmful for weight loss over time. If you consume less than 800-1000 calories each day, your metabolism may slow down and it may be more difficult to lose weight because you burn fewer calories.

During fasting, heart rhythm and blood pressure decrease because the heart does not have enough blood to pump. If food is not consumed at this point, a heart attack becomes inevitable. Starving also affects the gastrointestinal system and causes bloating, stomach pain, vomiting, nausea and bacterial infections. The central nervous system, which is left without energy, is also affected. The brain consumes 20% of a person’s total energy expenditure, but when there is not enough energy left for processes, concentration and sleep problems occur.

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In conclusion, it is not clear exactly how long a person can survive without food and liquids, but basically they can survive for a few weeks without food, thanks to glycogen, fats and muscles. The dehydration process is much shorter. Generally, a survival time of about three days without fluid intake is expected.