Lipedema Treatment


Lipedema treatment is one of the topics investigated by all patients suffering from this disease.. Lipedema is a thickening that occurs symmetrically in both legs due to the increase in fat tissue under the skin. Contrary to popular belief, lipedema is not edema, that is, fluid accumulation in the tissue, but thickening of the fatty tissue. In addition, the substance that accumulates in the tissue in lipedema is fat, not water. Lipedema is often confused with lymphedema. Lipedema is usually seen in women and begins in adolescence and progresses with age. Lipedema continues throughout life. If lipodema is left untreated, it progresses and many health problems may occur.

In this article, we will talk about lipedema treatment as well as detailed information about lipedema.

Lipedema Treatment
Lipedema Treatment

What are the Causes of Lipedema?

Lipedema is often associated with female hormones, although the exact cause is unknown. This may explain why lipedema affects women more than men. Lipedema may begin and worsen, especially during pregnancy, adolescence, menopause, and the use of hormonal birth control pills.

Apart from hormones, other factors that can cause lipedema include:

Genetic Factors

If anyone in your family has lipedema, there is a possibility that you may also have this disease. Therefore, in suspicious cases, you should consult your doctor without losing time.

Connective Tissue Disorders

Connective tissue is the structure that holds your body and tissues together. A disorder in the connective tissue may cause lipedema in your body.

Vascular Disorders

Some problems occurring in your capillary or lymph vessels may cause the onset of painful cellulite. For example; Damage to your capillaries may cause bruising or even bleeding in the lower areas of the skin.

Metabolic Factors

Although the exact causes of this disorder are not fully known, studies have shown that lipedema patients have disorders in their metabolic processes.

How Many Stages Does Lipedema Consist of?

Lipedema consists of 4 stages. In the first stage, there is smooth thickening of the legs. In the second stage, thickening is accompanied by occasional fluctuations and swellings. In the third stage, an orange peel appearance begins to appear on the skin. In the fourth and final stage, vascular insufficiency accompanies the event and problems that cause irreversible limitation of movement begin.

What are the Symptoms of Lipedema?

Lipedema, which can reach a level that prevents some patients from walking, is usually seen in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen and arms. The most obvious symptom of lipedema is the bruising that occurs unconsciously on the patient’s body. If the patient cannot diagnose this disease in the later stages, it is seen that even the patient’s lymphatic vessels appear. The degree of the disease varies from patient to patient. While it is mild in some patients, it can reach a level that prevents walking in others.

Apart from bruising on the body, other important symptoms are:

  • Thickening or enlargement due to fat accumulation in the lower parts of the body, including the legs and arms
  • Tenderness, pain and discomfort in swollen areas
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Varicose veins on legs
Lipedema Treatment
Lipedema Treatment

Lipedema Treatment

In the lipedema treatment, salt restriction, which reduces water retention in the body and exercise to increase circulation are recommended. Compression stockings provide relief to the patient, and manual lymph drainage massage is effective in relieving pain. Although these measures do not provide definitive treatment, they can partially relieve the patient and slow the course of the disease. Effective treatment is to reduce the problematic fat tissue as much as possible through liposuction-like surgery.

For detailed information and expert opinions about lipedema treatment and liposuction surgery, you can visit