Tips for Being a Good Mom


Tips for Being a Good Mom; When we say housework, childcare, meal preparation, birthday parties, weekend courses, night breastfeeding, changing diapers, we can say that mothers’ work is never done. With this aspect, motherhood undoubtedly brings with it many difficulties of its own. And mothers can often encounter unhappiness because they can’t feel enough, no matter how well they do.

If questions such as “I wonder if I could spend enough time with the children, if I stayed at home with my child instead of meeting with my friends, do I neglect my home while taking care of my work”, he loses your happiness while questioning whether you are a good mother with the pangs of conscience you feel, or you become a mother by being influenced by the posts on social media. You may think that you do not produce as successful works as others.

But do not despair in vain; because you are a good mother. While caring about the health of your children, spending quality time with them, trying to meet their needs, trying to maintain the order in your home and catching up with everything, you do very well. What’s missing is probably your own happiness.

When you are not feeling well, when you are not happy, be sure that your children also sense this, and although you think you are devoted to your motherhood, you may frequently encounter stress, anxiety and burnout because you do not devote yourself to your own needs at the same time. Even if you are good while trying to be a good mother, you can turn into an unhappy mother. If all these are very familiar feelings for you, what you need is to discover the tricks of a happy motherhood.

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Tips for Being a Good Mom
Tips for Being a Good Mom

Don’t Compare

Tips for Being a Good Mom; “No one else is better than you.” Every home’s dynamic, every child’s character and every mother’s style is different. Therefore, do not fall into pessimistic thoughts unnecessarily by comparing yourself to others. In the videos you come across on social media, remember that mothers who manage to overcome everything with the snap of a finger are often under an illusion. Opportunities are different for everyone; maybe that other mother you see as ‘perfect’ has facilitating tools or helping relatives that you don’t have; you don’t know.

So just focus on yourself, don’t worry about what other mothers do, how they look from the outside. Your child does not look at what kind of mother someone else is, does not compare with you. Children just want to be with their parents and feel their love. If you’re ‘out there’, believe what anyone else is doing, it doesn’t matter at all.

Request Support

Tips for Being a Good Mom; “You are not alone!” Remind yourself of this phrase often. Asking for support does not mean you are weak. Get help from your spouse, mother, friend or a professional; Consult someone who will make your work easier, relieve the pressure on you, and reduce your stress. You don’t have to do everything alone. Don’t be too hard on yourself; save your energy for the time you spend alone with your children, loved ones or yourself.

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Lower Your Expectations of Yourself

Tips for Being a Good Mom; You don’t have to spend quality time with your children, keep your house tidy, cook healthy meals at every meal, take care of yourself, spare time for your friends, and be good at your job if you’re working at the same time. Calm down; Lighten up your to-do list a little.

You don’t have to handle everything alone, nor do you need to do it all at once. Let the house be messy for a few days, the ironing is not finished, the dinner is not ready. After you don’t feel well, aren’t happy, run around with your children, run around with your children, what difference does it make if the house is filled with honey and licked.

Learn to Say No

Tips for Being a Good Mom; Time is undoubtedly very important for everyone, but especially for mothers. We can guess that there are dozens of things you have to do… But on the other hand, you say yes to many things you don’t really want to do in order not to offend anyone or not be misunderstood. So, allow yourself to say no and let whoever understands you the same way.

You can turn down your friend’s offer of coffee if you’re going to spend time with your kids, or you don’t have to say yes if you’ve made a plan but your spouse wants you to take care of the kids instead. To make room for yourself or what you want to do, you should learn to say no and not feel guilty about it.

Tips for Being a Good Mom
Tips for Being a Good Mom

Take Time for Yourself

Tips for Being a Good Mom; Even if you are a mother, do not forget that you have an independent self from your motherhood. You too need time for yourself; and perhaps more than ever before. You should listen to your self-care, physical and mental needs, and spend time listening to yourself. Give a chance to meditation, yoga or breathing exercises to manage the stress you face among all the work you do; Take time to clear your mind and relax.

Take pleasant long baths, go for walks, apply skin care, listen to music, sleep or just sit alone and do nothing. It is not selfish to care about your own needs and that you must be self-sufficient before you can be enough for your children; Therefore, remember that you must meet your own needs before rushing to the needs of others.

Attract whatever you need physically, mentally or spiritually into your life. Don’t worry, that doesn’t make you a selfish and bad mother; it only helps you to be a happy mother.

Don’t Listen to Everyone and Everything

Tips for Being a Good Mom; Anyone with experience of motherhood can have a lot to say; especially if they are older than you. And while it’s often well-intentioned, such conversations can contain hurtful expressions. That’s why you should remind yourself that you shouldn’t always listen to everything, even if you get support from your environment or listen to their words.

Because no matter what anyone says, your experiences are special to you; your children are different, your family life is different, your style, your expectations are different… Therefore, you do not have to agree with what is said or to adapt your motherhood to the expectations of others. Never mind, even if you listen most of the time, try not to internalize it too much; especially negative judgments.

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Accept That Not Everything Is About You

Tips for Being a Good Mom; One of the common characteristics of mothers may be that they hold themselves accountable for everything their children do or what happens at home. Don’t burden yourself unnecessarily. Remember that there are many stages of development, especially when it comes to child development. Children go through various stages as they grow, and each stage can involve challenging processes. Maybe they are more stubborn or impatient; They can be rude, say no to everything and turn the whole house upside down.

But believe me, you are not responsible for every single one of them. So accept that growing up is a process and focus only on having a good time with your children in a loving environment. Don’t hinder your happiness by blaming yourself for nothing.