6 Steps to Healthy Decision Making


6 Steps to Healthy Decision Making; We all have a voice in our head that drives our lives. This voice tells us what to do, how to be and how to feel. Although this sound can have a powerful effect on our lives, it is not always good. The problem with this voice is that it is often rooted in our fears and insecurities. We can listen to this voice and act on what it says to satisfy our desire to feel safe. Because we are afraid of making mistakes or staying in difficult situations. Do you think this voice always tells the truth? Is it really reliable?

The solution is simple: learn to listen to your heart as well as your mind. When you do this, you will find yourself making better decisions and you will learn more about what makes you happy.

This may sound very romantic to you, but what drives us to our hearts is actually the result of the cognitive-affective process, which scientifically shows that people can feel micro changes in their bodies. Research shows that bodily signals are emotional triggers and that these emotions guide decision-making. In summary, the heart and mind work together. So, what are the 6 steps of a healthy decision-making process?

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6 Steps to Healthy Decision Making

6 Steps to Healthy Decision Making

1. Identify or describe the problem or opportunity

What is the problem? What is the decision-making issue? Is this matter in your jurisdiction?

2. Identifying obstacles

What are the factors preventing you from making this decision or making a decision on this issue? Identify conditions that hinder your progress.

3. Alternative development

Sometimes a single decision is not enough. I suggest you identify a few alternatives and paths. It should always be an option.

4. Choosing one of the alternatives

Choose the most likely. Which one is on your mind and heart the most?

5. Implementation of the decision

Apply your decision.

6. Evaluation of the decision

Did you make the right decision? If yes, great. If no, don’t worry. Your other options are still with you.

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6 Steps to Healthy Decision Making; So why 6 steps? Because one of the most challenging things for people and their nature is to be restricted. Shallow and inflexible perspective is one of the main causes of spiritual changes. Unfortunately, an alternative phenomenon to this emotional and cognitive rigidity is not taught in the current system. That’s why everyone feels like they have one shot right on many issues in this life. And that feeling can be both very restrictive and very hurtful. Your mind and heart are the best companions you have been given. And they always have an exit if you use the right language.