Cabbage Dream Meaning


Cabbage Dream Meaning; seeing cabbage in a dream refers to hidden goods or secrets of people. The meaning of seeing cabbage in a dream refers to a person with a rough disposition and a hard heart. Seeing cabbage in a dream indicates unpleasant things.

Cabbage Dream Meaning; to see cabbage in your dream indicates that you have a secret and hidden property. Cabbage in a dream describes a hard-hearted, ruthless and self-centered person. Sometimes it indicates sadness, grief or separation. Sometimes it is considered a sign of illness, debt, healing or abundant sustenance. Sometimes, it is interpreted that the expected news will be bad.

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Cabbage Dream Meaning

Cabbage Dream Meaning

Cabbage Dream Meaning; to see cabbage in your dream means that you will experience many troubles in your life. If the cabbage is green, your love life will be turned upside down. You will experience many problems in your life. Some dream interpreters have interpreted seeing cabbage in a dream as money that will come one after the other, as a constant big income. To see cabbage in your dream refers to hidden property and secret. To see cabbage seed in your dream refers to sadness, grief, sadness and illness.

Cabbage Dream Meaning; seeing cabbage in a dream refers to hidden goods or secrets of people.

Cabbage Dream Meaning; to see that the cabbage leaves turn yellow in a dream is interpreted as a disease. Seeing cabbage at times is a sign of a person whose body and heart are hard, rude and ruthless. To see that you take the cabbage and eat it by cutting it indicates trying to understand the secret of the world. To see that you take vine, grape and cabbage to the market in your dream indicates violence and hardship.

Eating Cabbage in a Dream

Cabbage Dream Meaning; eating cabbage in a dream indicates a desire to learn other people’s secrets. To see that you are eating cabbage is a sign that you are a secretive person. Green cabbage leaves, to get what you want; yellow cabbage leaves are a sign of disease.

Collecting Cabbage in a Dream

Collecting cabbage in your dream indicates that you are in debt, and you will not be given a respite to pay off your debt. If you see that the cabbage you have collected turns yellow in your dream, it indicates that you will get sick or receive sad news. If you see cabbage being eaten by a cow, it indicates that you will spend your wealth for the sake of someone.

Cabbage Dream Meaning; to see that you cut and eat cabbage with a knife in your dream indicates that you learned the secret of your enemies. If you see that you give a piece of cabbage to your acquaintances, it indicates that you will reveal the secret you learned to your friends.

Cooking Cabbage Leaf in a Dream

Boiling cabbage leaves in a dream generally indicates that there are malicious people around you. Boiling cabbage in your dream also indicates that you will have a routine life and a trouble-free life. Boiling cabbage in your dream is also interpreted as a career and a great rise in your business life.

Cooking Cabbage in a Dream

Cabbage Dream Meaning; cooking cabbage in a dream generally indicates that you will rise in your career to a great extent. Cooking cabbage in your dream also indicates that you will experience a great financial relief. Cooking black cabbage in your dream indicates that you will have a bad event in your life.

Note: Click for German dream interpretations

Seeing Black Cabbage in a Dream

To see black cabbage in your dream generally indicates that you will be a good person for your country and your surroundings. However, eating kale in your dream indicates that you will get rid of the problems you have in the family and you will lead a happy life. Eating kale in a dream also indicates that you will get rid of the arguments you have had.

Seeing Purple Cabbage in a Dream

To see purple cabbage in your dream indicates that you will be financially comfortable in general, and that you will not see any financial and moral problems throughout your life. Eating purple cabbage in a dream indicates that you will have a great inheritance.