Games You Can Play With Your Kids When You’re Tired


Games You Can Play With Your Kids When You’re Tired; Undoubtedly, every parent loves their children very much, they want the best and most beautiful for them, they want them to always be happy, and they want their things to be the same. However, all this is not enough to change the fact that parenting is a tiring job. With children waking up early on the weekend, babies getting hungry at midnight, endless housework, and the hustle and bustle of city life, it is certain that parents do not have time to stop and rest even for a minute.

In this case, it is almost impossible to keep up with the speed of children who want to play games all the time.

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Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You're Tired
Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired

Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired

Games You Can Play With Your Kids When You’re Tired; Are there any games that will not tire the parents – and even give them the opportunity to rest a little – and will make the children happy and have a pleasant time? Yes! There are fun games you can play with your child even when you are very tired. Here are the games that will make tired parents and children happy:

Finding a Hidden Object

Hide your child’s favorite toy or object in the house and ask him to find it. While he is starting to search, help him reach the target by giving instructions indicating whether he is getting closer or further away, like hot or cold. And continue the game for a few more rounds until your child gets bored or as you wish. While your child is looking for his toy, you can also find the opportunity to stretch your feet and rest for a while.

Picnic at Home

Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired; It is obvious that children love nature and want to go out at every opportunity. However, since going out with children requires a lot of time and energy, especially during the preparation phase, it can become a difficult task when you are tired. Therefore, it may be a good idea to create an open-air environment at home. You can spread a blanket on the ground, add your child’s favorite food and drinks to a basket or bag if you have one, and create a picnic environment at home, where you can spend time with pleasure and pleasure.


If you are too tired to hold a book or even turn its pages, put your imagination into action! Lie down on the couch, bed, or carpet with your child and close your eyes. Tell him that you will tell him a story he has never heard before and start creating a fiction inspired by the fairy tales you like and the characters you like. You can be sure that you will rest with curiosity and excitement.

Painting or Drawing

Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired; Generally, children, especially younger ones, love to draw and paint things, if this is the case for your child, all you need is colored pencils and paper to draw or paint. Choose your paints, even divide the colors, decide what you want to paint or draw and get to work. If you wish, you can make this activity more relaxing by playing a light-tempo song in the background.

Sorting and Grouping Game

You can play a game of putting objects in the house or your child’s toys in order. For example, you can sort the books or toy cars at home from largest to smallest or arrange them by color. This game will also help your child develop organization and classification skills.

What’s Behind Me Game

Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired; You can sit opposite your child and take turns hiding an object behind your back and trying to guess it. You can ask about its color, function, shape or size and make guesses accordingly. You can both improve your child’s descriptive ability and strengthen his prediction ability.

Box and Card Games

Another option that will not tire you physically and allow your child to have an enjoyable time is box and card games. You can share fun moments with games that you can play on the table and that do not require much physical movement, and when you get bored, you can extend the time by switching to another game.


Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired; Especially mothers and fathers with long hair may love this game, because most children enjoy touching long hair and doing things with them, and this game can keep them entertained for a long time. With a few clips, combs or hair care creams, your hair can gain a brand new breath and your child can have a lot of fun.


Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired; Undoubtedly, many children enjoy playing with play dough, especially if they are preparing something for their adults. You and your child can prepare various foods from play dough and serve them to each other or try to guess what you are making.

Guessing Animals

Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired; If you have a child who is interested in the animal world, they may love this game. You can guess which animal it is by making various animal sounds, or you can extend the time and increase the excitement of the game by listening to the sounds of animals that are harder to guess the first time on your phone.

Shadow Game

Close the curtains or the ceiling light, sit on the floor, and project a small light source behind you onto the wall. Take turns with your child using your fingers to make different shapes and try to guess what the shadows on the wall look like.

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Analogy of Clouds

Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired; If you looked at the sky as a child and created brand new shapes and figures according to your imagination, this game can make both you and your child very happy. Sit by the window and take turns telling each other about a cloud you have chosen, comparing it to something else. You can also play a similar game at night by using the stars.

Measuring Game

Games You Can Play with Your Kids When You’re Tired; This game may be the ideal option for you, especially when you need to lie down for a while. You can ask your child to measure the length of your arms, feet, fingers or legs using a meter, ruler, tape measure or span method. Then, you can measure it in the same way and talk about different length measurements such as 3 spans, 20 centimeters.