Hospital Dream Meaning


Hospital Dream Meaning; seeing a hospital in a dream is not good. It indicates that your job and position will change. To enter a hospital in a dream indicates that your sins that you have done or committed will be forgiven, and you will improve physically or spiritually. To see that you eat the food given in the hospital in your dream indicates that your health will deteriorate and you will become sick. Seeing the hospital in a nice, clean and spacious way shows that the people’s business is going well.

Hospital Dream Meaning; seeing yourself with people who are mentally ill indicates that bad things will happen or you may be imprisoned. If your health is good, it indicates that you will get worse day by day, if you are sick, it will get worse or you will die.

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Hospital Dream Meaning

Hospital Dream Meaning

To see the patients in good condition in a dream indicates that the people are good and happy. Seeing the patients in a bad situation indicates that the people are not in good condition and will get worse than that situation. To see a hospital in your dream indicates that you have strayed from the right path of Allah and followed bad paths.

Hospital Dream Meaning; seeing a hospital in a dream is not good. It indicates that your job and position will change.

Hospital Dream Meaning; visiting someone in the hospital in a dream means happiness and joy. A visit that is not your request indicates that you will come together in the same environment with people you do not like. To see a sick man in a dream is a sign of sorrow and grief. To visit a patient in your dream indicates that you will get rid of the current troubles and sorrows and find comfort.

Doctor Dream Meaning

Hospital Dream Meaning; seeing a doctor in a dream indicates that you have some enemies among the people you work with in your business life. Seeing a doctor is a sign of a wise person. To see a hospital corridor in your dream indicates that you will be worried and distressed and you will try to find ways to get rid of it.

Cleaning a Hospital in a Dream

Hospital Dream Meaning; cleaning a hospital in a dream means you work voluntarily for the benefit of the public. It is a sign of making some sacrifices for charity without expecting a material return. Being magnanimous and conscientious means that you will do valuable and admirable work that is financially invaluable.

Hospital Garden Dream Meaning

It indicates that you will have a very spacious, comfortable and peaceful life. All your affairs will go well, your life and health will improve in a good way. It is a sign that the bad luck you have experienced and faced will come to an end, your luck will increase, and your comfort will be restored.

Hospital Room Dream Meaning

Hospital Dream Meaning; to see a bright, clean, large and spacious hospital room means that there will be some big changes for your benefit. To see a dirty, airless, dark and small hospital room in your dream indicates that you will experience a process that will cause you to become depressed, bored with your soul, and make your life poison for you.

Waiting at the Hospital Door in a Dream

It is a sign that you need remedies to end your ordeal, to make your life easier and to improve your living conditions, and you will look for it. It indicates that you have difficulty in breathing due to the weight of the responsibilities you are under.

To Search for a Hospital in a Dream

Hospital Dream Meaning; to search for a hospital in a dream and to see that you have found it means that a job that you never thought possible and that you almost gave up hope for will be done. Looking for a hospital but seeing that you can’t find it, being helpless and unsolved, going through great troubles, being sad, suffering and shedding tears.

Seeing Fire in the Hospital in a Dream

It means the closing of a door that comes to goodness and healing or the end of such a work. E.g; It means that your business is disrupted or another source of income is depleted. You will suffer financial losses, be defeated by your competitors and be in danger of bankruptcy.

Working in the Hospital in a Dream

It indicates that you work tirelessly for long hours in bad conditions, but you cannot earn an income worth your effort. This indicates that you are in despair and distress caused by this situation. Climbing the hospital stairs in a dream means trying to cultivate a hope within you. It is a sign that you will evaluate all opportunities and push them. It is a sign to keep your faith always fresh.

Sleeping in a Hospital Room in a Dream

Hospital Dream Meaning; sleeping in a hospital room in a dream is a sign of living in fear, being betrayed, being shot in the back, being left stranded and seeing injustice. It indicates that you will experience bad and unpleasant events one after the other that will cause you to learn the bad and painful aspects of life, and you will feel overwhelmed by feeling that everything is coming your way.

Seeing the Hospital Morgue in a Dream

It means that some of your plans and projects are hindered by some people, for this they do not come true at the time you target, and you have to postpone all your plans and projects to a suitable time.

Note: Click for German dream interpretations

Psychological Interpretation of Seeing a Hospital in a Dream

Hospital Dream Meaning; the hospital object is if the individual has a permanent health problem or a family member such as mother, father, sibling, child, etc. If a first-degree family member has a permanent illness, it can affect your dreams continuously, not once. Because it is inevitable that a person living under these conditions will spend most of his/her life in hospitals, with doctors, nurses, caregivers and hospital rooms. Therefore, the psychological effect of this heavy process on the person is indisputably great and wearisome.

This is the reason why these people see some objects that are important for health, such as hospital, medicine, blood, in their dreams. The hospital object also has another psychological explanation; it is that the person has searches and expectations for good and useful things about his/her life and the future.