7 Steps To Dealing With Change And Uncertainty


7 Steps To Dealing With Change And Uncertainty; Most of us agree that the only constant thing is change, but no matter how many times we have experienced it in our lives, we all have to struggle with anxiety, stress and negative thoughts when it comes to change. Change is challenging, and uncertainty is even more difficult. Because not knowing what will happen is like a war against our controlling instincts. However, it is not possible for us to develop, grow and renew unless something changes. Therefore, no matter how much those uncertainties challenge us and changes come when we least expect them, we should know how to accept instead of resisting.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to give up the comfort and security environment that our comfort zones offer us and to sail towards the unknown, but if we want a more fulfilling life, we must know how to abandon this feeling of comfort, convenience and trust that prevents us from growing from time to time. Maybe it will not be easy to accept and deal with change and uncertainty, but in the end, be sure that leaving your comfort zone will be worth it. Dr. Inspired by Jaime Rabin’s article, we have compiled 7 steps for coping with change and uncertainty for you.

If you are ready to step out of your comfort zones, here are steps you can follow that will make your life easier as you go through the change process:

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7 Steps To Dealing With Change And Uncertainty
7 Steps To Dealing With Change And Uncertainty

1. Pull yourself together and return to your center

When the winds of change begin to blow, make an effort to return to your center before you begin to see yourself as a prisoner of unknown waters. The situations you encounter and the events you experience may have moved you away from your center, and changes and uncertainties may have thrown you to places you have never known. The first step is to return to the moment and center to gather yourself. You may feel lost, think that you have lost your balance, or convince yourself that you are helpless, but when you act from a place of calm and tranquility, you can release anxiety and negative thoughts, and bring yourself to your center when you think you are in chaos.

Meditations, mindfulness practices and breathing exercises can help for this. When you return to your center, you can find your inner balance and inner peace as you go through so many changes in the complexity and uncertainty of life, and you can take a very solid step towards the uncertain future.

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2. Release negative emotions and embrace change

During moments of change, dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of negative thoughts may be running through your mind, you may be creating more negative scenarios than you have ever created before, and moreover, you may be trying to convince yourself that everything is bad and will happen.

Stop and take a deep breath. Maybe your past negative experiences, your prejudiced ideas, or the experiences and words of others create a feeling of fear of uncertainty and change in you. But everything is different now. The situation you encounter this time may not be like the one you experienced years ago. Or it will be very different from what happened to your best friend. Who knows!

Leave your prejudices and negative beliefs and attitudes aside and wholeheartedly embrace the coming change. You don’t need to forget the past, but don’t hold on to it blindly. You can move forward more easily by learning from the past, as long as you manage to stay with the flow. Open yourself to greater opportunities, brand new and much more beautiful possibilities.

3. Approach from different angles

7 Steps To Dealing With Change And UncertaintyYes, it is difficult… It is difficult for a person to give up habits that he has held on to for years, to try to have a different attitude than usual, and to change his beliefs and ideas. But not impossible. If you want to accept change and move forward by making good sense of uncertainties instead of being afraid of them, you must change your perspective. For example, instead of looking at what you experience through a lens, magnifying glass or glasses, look at it through a kaleidoscope. Instead of saying “This can’t be, I can’t do this, this is too hard…” try saying “Yes, it is difficult, but I can do it…”.

You don’t know what’s behind the change, use the uncertainties to your advantage. Maybe incredibly beautiful things will happen. Change your perspective and try to see change as an opportunity for original discovery, rather than seeing it as a source of fear and resistance. Even you will be surprised by the results.

4. Accept what is

Although acceptance is a concept written in two syllables and is very easy to say, it can be challenging and painful to realize. However, resisting what is is nothing more than rowing on land. Although accepting is the most difficult aspect of going through change, denying changing situations and conditions does nothing but delay good developments. The sooner you can achieve acceptance, the faster you will adapt to what is happening and adapt to new conditions.

While acceptance offers the opportunity to embrace changes and be open to what uncertainties bring, it also helps you act more flexible, and this becomes your strongest aspect in every process of change and uncertainty. Remember; The way to move forward lies in embracing current reality and making peace with the changes that are taking place.

7 Steps To Dealing With Change And Uncertainty
7 Steps To Dealing With Change And Uncertainty

5. Affirm yourself and discover your power

There is no doubt that many people are prone to self-doubt during periods of transition. Sentences containing endless negativity such as “I’m not good enough, I haven’t succeeded before, I’m not ready for this, I don’t think I can change, I don’t believe good things will happen” go around in the mind.

However, holding on to these thoughts will do nothing but suppress your existing potential. It is very difficult to achieve good results by feeding your negative inner voice with negative beliefs and thoughts. Instead, start believing in yourself and remind yourself frequently that you can handle the process full of change and uncertainty in the best way possible.

Do not underestimate the power of affirmations, they can be your biggest supporter in this process. Believe in yourself, nurture your self-confidence, develop a positive inner voice and keep in mind that ‘the size of unopened wings is unknown’.

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6. Stay true to your authentic self

Even though it is a wonderful nostalgic song that attracts our hearts with the words “I am carried away by the wind of my fortune”, do not let the wind blow you away when change reveals itself; You direct the wind. To do this, discover your authentic self. So find your passions, your wishes and desires, the things that excite you and follow them. When unexpected changes and uncertainties are added to the hustle and bustle of daily life, you may lose sight of what you really want from life, like most of us.

However, instead of pursuing something without asking questions, understanding or examining it, you can take change as an opportunity and rediscover your passions and purpose in life, and use this process as a light that guides your life. Ask yourself questions, review your expectations, get rid of the opinions and discourses of others and examine your own inner world, feelings and thoughts, in short, protect your self.

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7. Review your intentions, set new goals

As you go through a transition period full of change and uncertainty, the last step is to review your intentions and set new goals. After all, isn’t it ‘the only constant thing is change itself’, so it may be time to add a brand new vision to your life. What has changed? How can you set new goals for yourself in a process full of uncertainties? Why wait to write better intentions?