How to Become a Super Manager?


How to Become a Super Manager; Although every manager wants to make his employees happy and be a good manager, today this issue has become more important than ever. In fact, many managers wonder what it takes to be a super manager. Being a super manager means having the necessary super powers regarding human relations. These superpowers are essential for building healthier relationships and increasing productivity in the workplace.

To have superpowers as a manager, it doesn’t matter what company you work for, how long you’ve been a manager, or what your title is. The important thing is to have all the powers that super management requires and to achieve real success as a manager.

In this article, you can read the characteristics that super managers must have and the steps you need to take to become a super manager.

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How to Become a Super Manager
How to Become a Super Manager

How Should a Super Manager Be?

How to Become a Super Manager; To become a super manager, it is important to have skills that can be described as superpowers. Below you can take a look at the super powers required to be a super manager.

Be Self-Aware

Before you become a super manager, you must know who you are. It is important for a good manager to have personal awareness so that he can overcome his limitations and determine effective strategies. To do this, increase your personal awareness by questioning things such as your communication style, understanding of emotional intelligence and leadership style. Additionally, to support your communication skills, be careful to communicate with your team in a positive way, express yourself calmly, have active listener characteristics, and listen to what others say without opposing them.

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Be Possessive

Because employees want to see a leader, embrace your role and responsibilities as a leader. Your employees pay attention to many things about you, including your emotions and behavior. Therefore, you need to decide how you want to influence your team. As a manager, you must be passionate about your job, learn about your company’s strategic initiatives and share them with your team, set standards for team performance, and be an effective communicator. If necessary, you should work with a coach or mentor and take the necessary steps regarding your own personal and professional development.

Manage Changes Effectively

When changes occur in the workplace, you should manage the process in the best way possible. You need to support your team because even positive changes can be stressful. To do this, communicate frequently with your employees affected by the change, listen to their concerns, help them understand how the changes will affect them, and manage your own stress related to the change so that you do not pass it on to your employees.

If the reason for the change is that you are the manager, find out what happened to the other manager and what his relationship is with the team. It is possible that some employees will be happy that you have arrived, while others will be unhappy that their former managers are leaving. Therefore, try to manage such changes in the workplace in the best way possible.

Manage Disputes and Conflicts

Disagreements and conflicts in the workplace are often difficult to manage. It is the manager’s superpowers that ensure these are resolved well. The strategies used in conflict management are generally as follows:

  • You adopt the compliance strategy and put the other person’s needs before your own.
  • You adopt the avoidant strategy, avoiding conflict and waiting for it to go away on its own.
  • You adopt the conciliatory strategy and try to find a solution that will partially satisfy the parties involved.
  • You adopt a collaborative strategy and try to find a solution that meets everyone’s needs.
  • You adopt a competitive strategy and take a firm stand and ignore others’ points of view.

While some of these strategies may seem harsh and inefficient, the super manager knows when to use each of them. If you’re bothered by workplace conflicts, you may need to improve your resolution skills. Therefore, you should get help as soon as possible. A manager with poor conflict resolution skills may quickly lose the respect of his team. Therefore, you can read books, take a course, or consult a mentor to support your conflict resolution skills.

How to Become a Super Manager
How to Become a Super Manager

Manage People

Managing people effectively is the most important superpower you need to become a super manager. Unless you can manage people effectively, your other superpowers will not be effective enough. To manage people effectively, you can pay attention to the following points:

  • Get to know your employees from many perspectives, including their strengths, weaknesses, career goals, and challenges. In this way, you can correctly direct your employees for what they want to do.
  • Support your team and create opportunities for their career development. By coaching your employees, you can increase their performance and help them achieve their goals.
  • Pay attention to training and development. Create a team culture that values training and development opportunities for continuous learning. But don’t see education as punishment. Doing so will reduce the value of the training employees receive.
  • Pay attention to kindness. It is common to neglect politeness when interacting in stressful or urgent situations. But super managers need to be kind to their employees no matter what.
  • Take care of yourself. For this, you can spare time for your hobbies, take long walks and take steps towards your own professional development plan. When you take care of your mental, physical and spiritual needs, you can improve your quality of life and become a more effective manager.

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Other Points That Will Help You Become a Super Manager

How to Become a Super Manager; When you master the skills described above as superpowers to become a super manager, you can become a respected and effective manager. In addition to these skills, you can increase the motivation of your employees by paying attention to the following points:

Create a Pleasant Working Environment

Since a significant part of our lives is spent at work, it is important for us to have a pleasant work environment. The last thing you want is for the environment your employees wake up to every morning to be dark and boring. To create a pleasant working environment, you should pay attention to technological, physical and cultural factors in the workplace. For example, you can provide more sunlight for your employees’ mental health, support the use of technologies to increase productivity, and encourage communication and collaboration within the team.

Make Your Employees’ Job Easier

Things that can be easily handled do not need much work. If you can look at the broader picture and understand your team’s needs, you can find ways to make everyone more productive. This way, work will be completed on time, your employees will be happy, and they will have more time to do more innovative things.

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Don’t Resort to Punishment

Although punishment in the workplace is sometimes not effective in stopping undesirable behavior, it is something that demotivates the employee. For example, if you ask your employee to stay at work outside of working hours as a punishment for being late, you can prevent late behavior. However, since your employee’s morale will be low, there will be a decrease in productivity.

The solution to this is to use negative reinforcement. While positive reinforcement can be used to reward desired behavior, negative reinforcement can also be used for undesirable behavior. For example, bring cake or delicious fruits to the workplace for a week. When you do this, you may notice that your normally late employee starts arriving at work on time.