How Many Microbes In The Human Body?


One of the most frequently asked questions about the human body is “How Many Microbes In The Human Body?”. It is estimated that there are approximately 100 trillion bacteria in the microscopic living population called “Microbiota”, which numbers in the trillions in the human body, and their total weight is around 2-3 kg. In other words, it is possible to say that these microscopic creatures constitute approximately 2-3% of our body weight. The places where microbiota, found in 18 different parts of our body, is most concentrated is our intestines.

As Hippocrates stated about 2000 years ago, scientific studies show that problems with intestinal microbes may be the cause of many diseases today. In other words, the health status of our intestines affects our entire body. Weakening or damage to our intestines can cause obesity and aging, especially some chronic diseases.

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Why Are Human Microbes Important?

The community of microbes living in the human body (in other words, microbiota) is of great importance in maintaining our body’s functions and being healthy. Microbiotas that support the immune system also play very important roles in fulfilling the functions of the human body, such as digestion of food, intestinal health, and supporting brain activities. Problems with microbiota, which are very important for our body, play a role in many diseases such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue and brain damage.

How Many Microbes In The Human Body?
How Many Microbes In The Human Body?

Human Microbes and Nutrition

In order for our body to function healthily, it is very important that the bacterial ecosystem in the human body, called microbiota, is in a balanced structure. The ideal ratio in the human microbiota is an 80/20 ratio of good/bad bacteria. If this balance is disrupted, problems may occur in our intestines. But the good thing is that maintaining the microbiota balance is in our own hands. Because our diet has a significant impact on the bacteria that grow in our intestines. Additionally, it is known which foods good bacteria love.

Eat a Prebiotic-Based Diet

Because prebiotics are one of the favorite foods of good bacteria. Prebiotics not only provide nutrients to the microbiota, but also create a favorable environment for their proliferation. Fibrous vegetables and fruits are the ideal foods for microbiota.

Take Probiotic Supplemen

Sometimes bad bacteria multiply more than they should in the human intestines. By taking a quality probiotic supplement, you can give beneficial bacteria the chance to multiply and prevent harmful ones from multiplying.

Don’t Use Unnecessary Antibiotics

The easiest way to destroy your microbiota is to kill it with antibiotics. For this reason, do not use antibiotics unless necessary. In addition to antibiotics, it will be beneficial to stay away from processed foods. Avoid consuming foods containing preservatives and additives as much as possible.

Foods Rich in Probiotics

We stated that you can get good bacteria into your body by eating a prebiotic-based diet. So, what are the foods rich in prebiotics? You can choose yoghurt, whole milk and sourdough bread for breakfast. Cottage cheese, smoked soybeans, fermented pickles and combo tea would be good choices for lunch. For dinner, sauerkraut is recommended.

For more and detailed information about human microbes, you can visit