Solutions for Dry Hands


Solutions for Dry Hands; Moisturizing your hands often relieves dryness and protects your hands from irritants. However, if there is another underlying cause such as eczema, you may need medications. Although it may seem like a minor problem, dry hands can be very annoying. In most cases, drying is generally caused by environmental factors. For example, weather conditions can cause hands to dry out. Frequent hand washing, exposure to chemicals, and certain medical conditions can also cause the skin on your hands to dry out. However, regardless of the reason, there are some ways to moisturize your skin.

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Solutions for Dry Hands
Solutions for Dry Hands

What are the Causes of Dryness in Hands?


It is possible for your skin to dry out more, especially in cold months. Hands become dry, especially in climate changes where the humidity in the air decreases, such as cold weather. Low humidity in the air causes moisture to withdraw from the skin.

Workplace Conditions

Working conditions can also cause dry hands. Dryness may occur in those who work in jobs that require constant hand washing. Additionally, factory workers and hairdressers may be frequently exposed to chemicals that irritate hands. These cause dryness in the hands.

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Medical Disorders

Some medical conditions also cause dry hands or increase the risk of dryness. For example, blood circulation to the hands may be reduced in those with autoimmune conditions such as diabetes and lupus. For this reason, hands become irritated more easily. Eczema and psoriasis can cause skin inflammation, causing dryness, rash and cracking in the hands.

10 Solutions for Dry Hands

You can use the following solutions to moisturize your dry hands.

  1. Moisturize: Apply moisturizing cream or lotion several times a day. Lotions and creams not only return moisture but also help lock moisture into the skin.
  2. Wear gloves: If you need to put your hands in water frequently for reasons such as washing dishes, you can wear gloves. Gloves will prevent water from removing the natural oil layer on your skin.
  3. Reduce stress: If you have eczema, remember that stress can make symptoms worse. Therefore, if your eczema symptoms have increased, try to take some time for yourself to reduce stress.
  4. Consider medications: If you have severe eczema, medications will also be necessary as your skin heals. The doctor may recommend a steroid cream that you can apply to your skin. You may even need to take antibiotics for wounds.
  5. UV Ray Therapy: In some severe cases of psoriasis, ultraviolet therapy can help heal the skin. However, you will need to consult your doctor before taking this therapy.
  6. Treat it overnight: One of the best solutions to dry hands is to protect it overnight using lotion and vaseline. Afterwards, you can protect the moisturizing process by wearing a soft glove or sock. Locking in moisture will help it absorb better into your skin, and you’ll have baby-like hands in the morning.
  7. Use prescription creams: For very dry and very rash skin, your doctor may prescribe special lotions containing lactic acid or urea. These will help you prevent dryness and rashes.
  8. Apply hydrocortisone cream: In some cases, dry skin can turn into a more severe condition called dermatitis, in which the skin becomes inflamed and red. In this case, lotions containing hydrocortisone can help. These help soothe irritated skin.
  9. Wearing wet clothes: If you have skin that is cracked due to dryness, it will require treatment before the healing process. Therefore, your doctor may recommend that you wear wet clothing until your skin heals. However, this dressing process is usually applied only by wrapping the affected area with a wet cloth.
  10. Use a strong moisturizer: For a deep moisturizing process, you can basically use a moisturizer targeted for animals. Some moisturizing creams produced for animals can penetrate deeply into human skin because they are produced to penetrate the thick skin of animals.

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When to Ask for Help?

If the dryness on your hands is caused by eczema or another skin condition, complications such as infection and deformation of the nails may occur. Some symptoms may indicate serious problems. Some of them are as follows:

  • Loss of color on the skin
  • Bleeding
  • Excessive flushing
  • Fluid discharge from injured areas of skin
  • Swelling

If your dry hands do not resolve with home treatments or if you have any of the above symptoms, you should seek help from a doctor. In most cases, dry hands are a part of daily life. It’s usually easily overcome with a moisturizer. If home remedies do not improve or you have other symptoms such as bleeding or infection, seek medical attention.