Tips For Raising Confident Kids


Tips For Raising Confident Kids; If you are wondering what are the tips for raising confident kids, we recommend that you take a look at this article.

Let children learn by exploring, experiencing, making mistakes. Help them seek and find the truth themselves. Guide, help, but don’t do things for them. Eating, tying shoes, dressing or doing many daily chores on behalf of them, mostly in order not to waste time without realizing it; but at this point, we also take away their learning opportunities.

Self-confidence is a feeling that can be developed and it is very important to support this feeling in children from a young age. Experiences gained at a young age also form the contours of future lives. Children whose self-confidence is damaged and who are not supported today may have difficulty coping with this feeling tomorrow.

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Tips For Raising Confident Kids
Tips For Raising Confident Kids

Let them experience failure

Tips For Raising Confident Kids; This is one of the most of the tips for raising confident kids. Avoid making him win every game you play. One of the most common situations parents face is letting their kids win every game so they don’t get upset, cry, or get angry while playing.

This prevents children from experiencing the feeling of loss and causes them to have unrealistic expectations; As he constantly experiences what he has gained, he does not think that he will lose, that he will fail, and has difficulty when faced with a contrary experience.

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Help them discover their interests

Tips For Raising Confident Kids; It is very important for children to know themselves and to develop self-confidence. Provide opportunities for them to find areas where they enjoy, have fun, and are talented in. Let them try, learn by doing and by mistake. Offer them the opportunity to find out what areas they feel good about and what they enjoy doing.

Give them space to express themselves

Tips For Raising Confident Kids; Be a good listener. Being a true “listener” means much more than just hearing. Most of the time, we can involuntarily turn our attention to something else when children are talking without realizing it. Maybe we can not focus our attention fully on what they are talking about while cooking or looking at the phone.

By being aware of such situations, make children feel that you are really listening to them at that moment. Help them tell, describe situations in their own words, but do not complete their sentences.

Be supportive and encouraging

Tips For Raising Confident Kids; Paths to success are not always surrounded by flowers; Obstacles, stones, slopes are also a part of that road. Support them on their way, but let them determine the steps they will take on that path. This is sometimes mishandling a fork; It could even be putting water from a full pitcher into a glass or not being able to get the fingers of the glove right. Let them discover how to do it right by doing it wrong.

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Give examples from your own experience

Tips For Raising Confident Kids; Children often think that their parents are perfect, always achieve excellent results, achieve success without making mistakes, and envision them as heroes. Explain that you, as adults, make mistakes from time to time, and that you can not always achieve success.

Talk about something you tried, didn’t have something you wanted, or lost a game you played with your friends. They will listen to you in amazement, but with a great sparkle in their eyes.

Don’t always use flattering words

Tips For Raising Confident Kids; Supporting children, noticing the work they do, appreciating their achievements are very important to reinforce the sense of self-confidence, but all these have a positive meaning when done in moderation. Children who are raised with constant praise may experience adjustment problems by adopting an unrealistic self-perception. At this point, it is important to avoid unwarranted praise as well as encouraging the child by appreciating his achievements.