What Is Homeopathy? What Is It Used For?


What Is Homeopathy? What Is It Used For; Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, announced the alternative treatment method called homeopathy, developed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann, in 1796. The idea behind homeopathy, which has survived from that time to the present day, is that a substance that causes any symptom can eliminate the same symptom. In this article, we have written for you homeopathy, which has a different understanding than conventional treatment methods.

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What Is Homeopathy
What Is Homeopathy

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy, which emerged from alternative medicine, meets us as a method that stands against drug treatments containing various chemicals. In this type of treatment, natural substances are used instead of drugs. The most important of these natural substances are herbs and minerals that are diluted sufficiently. The aim is to activate the body’s own healing mechanism through the use of diluted organic substances.

Similarly, the healing principle is known as the basic building block of homeopathy. This principle suggests that substances that may cause the symptoms of a disease to occur in a healthy individual should be used in the treatment of the disease. Proponents of this principle emphasize that substances that can cause various disease symptoms in healthy people can have a therapeutic effect in sick people. For example, a substance that can cause symptoms such as high fever and runny nose in a healthy person can be diluted and used on flu patients.

Homeopathy is widely used in countries such as India, Brazil, Germany and France. This method, which has gained a place in the medical systems of many different countries around the world, basically focuses on finding the source of the disease. Once the source is identified, homeopathic solutions that have no side effects come into play. At this point, we would like to point out that this type of treatment focuses on both specific health problems and holistic healing.

How is the Homeopathy Process Conducted?

Homeopathy examination, carried out by healthcare professionals with approved certificates, begins with an anamnesis, that is, a question-answer session conducted by the doctor to diagnose the patient. During this session, the doctor asks questions to learn about the patient’s symptoms, when these symptoms appeared, and the medications the patient uses. In addition, since homeopathy is based on a holistic philosophy, individual questions about the patient’s diet, stress level and sleep patterns are also asked to the patient during the anamnesis.

The doctor performs symptom analysis after receiving the necessary answers from the patient. According to the results of this analysis, a list of homeopathic medicines suitable for the patient is created. Then, the drugs that have the most therapeutic effect from this list are offered to the patient.

Homeopathic medicines are generally available in liquid or small granule form. These drugs, given in low doses, are often taken orally, but the use of the drugs may vary depending on individual symptoms and disease. Although homeopathic medicines do not have any side effects, allergic reactions may occur when these medicines interact with other medicines/products used by the patient. Although there is a possibility of allergy, we would like to emphasize that people using these drugs do not experience serious side effects.

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Who Can Benefit from Homeopathy?

This type of treatment is preferred for various physical ailments, especially psychological conditions. Homeopathy is recommended for psychological conditions such as depression, extreme stress and anxiety disorders. In addition, this method can be used for chronic diseases such as migraine and asthma, skin conditions such as eczema, digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, acute diseases such as flu and urinary tract infection.

Individuals who take homeopathy for the above health problems need to be careful about some situations. Experts recommend that patients using homeopathic remedies stay away from caffeine and stimulants. It is emphasized that consumption of beverages such as coffee, tea and energy drinks reduces the effects of these drugs. In addition, it is stated that strong-smelling substances such as perfume, cologne and deodorant negatively affect the treatment process. It is also stated that toothpastes containing too many chemicals harm the homeopathy process. For this reason, individuals who use homeopathic medicines should prefer chemical-free, odorless toothpastes.

Homeopathy, which is thought to have an important place in chronic disease management and alleviating symptoms, is considered only as a placebo effect by many medical authorities and scientists. Therefore, it is best to consult a medical professional before considering this method for any ailment.