What is Vitamin B3 And What Does It Do?


What is Vitamin B3 And What Does It Do; Balanced nutrition, one of the most important components of a healthy life, can unfortunately be disrupted due to some wrong habits brought about by modern times. Therefore, the importance of supplements is increasing in order to get the vitamins and minerals that the body needs. The importance of B vitamins, which support the proper functioning of different systems in the body and have different functions from cell health to the functioning of the nervous system, emerges once again in this regard. Among these vitamins, vitamin B3, namely niacin, has a critical place.

What is vitamin B3 used for, in which foods is it found, what are the benefits of niacin, and the answers to all your questions are in the rest of our article.

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What is Vitamin B3 And What Does It Do?
What is Vitamin B3 And What Does It Do?

What is Niacin (Vitamin B3)? What Are the Benefits of B3 Vitamin?

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is a type of B vitamin that is water-soluble and performs many important functions in the body. It can be found naturally in a variety of foods and can also be produced by the body. Niacin is a type of vitamin that plays critical roles in vital functions such as energy production, DNA repair and cellular communication. It also plays a critical role in maintaining the health of the skin, nerves and digestive system.

Vitamin B3 has two main forms: Niacinamide (nicotinamide) and nicotinic acid. Both forms can be used by the body, but they have different functions:

Supports heart health: Niacin is known for its heart health supporting properties. By regulating cholesterol levels, it helps to reduce especially LDL, known as bad cholesterol, and increase the level of HDL, known as good cholesterol. In this way, it plays an effective role in reducing the risk of heart disease.

Improves skin health: Niacin has properties that support skin health. It helps heal skin problems such as sun damage and contributes to the skin looking brighter and healthier.

Supports energy production: Vitamin B3 plays an important role in energy production in the body. It supports the metabolism by helping to convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy and ensures its proper functioning.

Improves brain functions and nerve health: Niacin is a type of vitamin that is very critical for brain health and nervous system functions. As an important component of coenzymes such as NAD and NADP, it has positive effects on memory, learning and cognitive functions.

Increases NAD+ levels: NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a molecule that plays a critical role in basic functions of cells such as energy production, DNA repair and signal transduction. And it attracts attention with its anti-aging effects and intestinal health-supporting properties. Niacin plays an important role in increasing NAD+ levels in the liver and intestines.

Vitamin B3 deficiency can lead to depression, anxiety and even neurological disorders. Adequate niacin intake contributes to maintaining nerve health and improving mood. Research on niacin points out that this vitamin has positive effects on heart health, aging processes, brain health and cognitive functions. Therefore, in case of deficiency, various negative situations may occur.

What is Observed in Vitamin B3 Deficiency?

Vitamin B3 deficiency is not a common condition, especially in developed countries. Because it can be obtained from most foods. However, niacin deficiency may occur due to malnutrition or some health problems in the body. Common symptoms of niacin deficiency can be listed as follows:

  • Depression
  • Headache
  • burnout
  • Loss of memory
  • Hallucinations
  • Dermatological problems
  • Digestive system problems
  • State of fatigue
  • Weakening of immunity

In addition to malnutrition, alcohol and substance abuse, use of certain medications, malabsorption syndromes and some genetic conditions can also lead to vitamin B3 deficiency.

How Much Vitamin B3 Should I Take Daily?

The daily requirement of vitamin B3 for an adult man is approximately 16 mg of NE, and for an adult woman is approximately 14 mg of NE. This need may increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding periods. These amounts are levels that most people can easily meet with a balanced diet. Before using niacin supplements, it is important to evaluate whether you can meet your needs from natural food sources and consult a professional.

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Foods Rich in Vitamin B3

Meat and Fish:

  • Chicken breast
  • Turkey
  • Beef
  • Tuna
  • Salmon

Grains and Legumes:

  • Whole grains
  • Beans, lentils etc.

Vegetables and Fruits

  • Avocado
  • green vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Pea
  • Mushroom

Other Resources:

Nuts and seeds