What is the Domino Effect?


Have you ever been in a situation where when you change your attitude towards an issue, your other behaviors automatically change as well? If you answer this question positively, we can say that you have experienced the domino effect. In this article, we will share with you what  domino effect is and the rules of this effect that positively affect daily life.

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What is the Domino Effect?
What is the Domino Effect?

What is the Domino Effect?

The domino effect, also known as the domino theory, takes its name from domino stones. The movement of dominoes, which causes the stones next to them to topple over as they fall, provides a concrete explanation of this effect. The domino effect begins when one event triggers another event, and each triggered event starts a new event. This concept states that the occurrence of any one of the usually interconnected events or situations will automatically lead to the occurrence of the others.

This effect, which describes a chain reaction between events and situations, is evident in many different sectors. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic can be thought of as a domino effect. This virus first appeared in the Wuhan region of China and then spread to almost all countries on Earth. The first person to contract COVID-19 disease indirectly caused different individuals to spread this virus to each other, creating a chain reaction. Similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, negative situations such as economic crisis can also be called a domino effect.

Although these examples make us think that this effect only leads to negativity, there are also positive experiences that highlight this concept. The most positive example of this effect can be explained as a person doing a good deed and the people around him being involved in this act of kindness. In addition, old technological inventions being a source for new technological developments and sharing accurate information with other people are among the positive domino effect examples.

By Which Mechanisms Does the Domino Effect Occur?

According to experts, there are two main reasons behind the domino effect, which was first put forward during the Cold War. The first reason is based on the interconnectedness of the activities we do in daily life. There are connections between human behavior as well as living systems, and this connection explains the interrelationships of daily habits and activities. As a result of a decision made in one area of life, another area may be affected. For example, the decision of someone who has been smoking regularly for a long time to quit smoking makes him/her stronger both healthily and financially. This simple example embodies the domino effect, showing how a decision to tackle an addiction can affect everything from health to budget.

Another reason for the domino effect is based on commitment and consistency, which are among the basic principles of human behavior. According to this principle, if a person makes a commitment once and implements this commitment consistently, he or she will begin to repeat similar behavior in the future. This principle not only initiates a series of new behaviors but can also lead to changes in existing personal beliefs. It is stated that the principle of commitment and consistency, which has such a significant impact, is a developer of the domino effect.

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What are the Rules of the Domino Effect that Leads to Positivity?

The domino effect, which enables both negative situations and positive events to occur, is not just a phenomenon encountered. In other words, we can bring this phenomenon to light by becoming an initiator. In this way, we can open a door for successful situations/events to occur.

If you want to start a chain reaction that will take your daily life in a positive direction, you should first focus on the things that motivate you the most. For example, your motivating actions might include watching the sunrise or doing an energizing 10-minute morning yoga session before leaving the house. You should make activities that increase your motivation a routine and practice them consistently every day. In the meantime, you should be careful not to skip any action by maintaining your transition speed between activities.

If you feel that you are having difficulty implementing your new habits, you can scale down these actions. For example, if the motivation-boosting yoga you do in the morning seems long to you, you can shorten this time. Since the domino effect focuses on progress rather than results, you can continue with small steps.